Sunday, April 30, 2006
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we conspire to conceive...
Monday, April 24, 2006
Fuck those fucking motherfucker drums ; )
I think those fucking drums are making me deaf. I don't know if it's just that the people I talk to mumble (a lot of them do) or what, but I have had to ask "What?", "Huh?" and "excuse me?" more that I’ve been comfortable with lately.
And I know what you’re thinking “why doesn’t he just use ear plugs?" I do and they don't help. I even have a pair of those huge Remington brand headphones used for shotgun practice, and no they don't help.
In fact it's worse. I just play louder to compensate for the protection, which destroys the drums and my hearing. Plus I can't hear the fine overtones and subtle sound of using a certain technique.
It probability doesn’t help I play them in a semi-enclosed space, but where else am I supposed to put them?
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I hate maddox!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
I got the keys to the bank

I went downtown last night, was totally crunk, walked into shit and almost got hit by more than one car.
But I digress; I was walking through a bank parking lot. Something catches my eye; it's a set of keys directly below the banks front door lock.
Hmm, I think, should I take them? Leave them? Maybe I can get a reward from turning them into the bank? But maybe they would suspect I was somehow involved in it?
I was with some friends who had objections to me taking it, so ultimately I left it there. There was a camera pointed at the doorway, I don't think taking the keys would be illegal, but who knows?
Excuse me, where is the off switch to my mind?
It's sunny but chilly outside. But it's cool, I'm gettin' a tan. I need to tan my neck though, it won't tan. I need to get some new sunglasses, and maybe one of those hats that bookies wear when they count money, excuse me........
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Dead men tell no tales
I slept like a dead man last night. I fell asleep playing the guitar at 6 o' clock, and had incredibly vivid dreams. I’ve been going through a lot of shit lately and I got some nice reflection off of that. The problem is, I often get reflections like that but after it's over, I can't always remember the finer points of it.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
cranking off in public
Can you believe that nothing shows up in a Google image search for "cranking off in public”? Strange.
You would think their would be some strange masturbation pics in their.
Oh, and I didn't go searching for weird porno today. I was reading a site and the guy was talking about cranking off to furry midget sex in public (quite a combination, huh).
I haven't heard the term “cranking off" used before to refer to masturbation, so I though, I wonder what will show up? And their you have it.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Death mask

That picture is of a dead crab skeleton (or something of that nature). Look in the middle. What do you see? It's its death mask. See the face? You can see it if you look close.
In other news, I really need to get off my ass and get some hosting. But I have a dilemma. I hate solving dilemmas. My whole life is a dilemma. Fuck this, I'm going for a walk...