Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Damb my big feet! er, some woman would say otherwise ; )
Friday, May 26, 2006
The world dosen't need another teen Mother
The world dosen't need another teen Mother.
Most especially think of the baby, always growing up never having what it needs because the Mother doesn’t have the money.
Being abused by family members who take their frustration about the situation out on the child, living with his Mother’s Mother.
The truth is, if you don't know a lot about child psychology and really KNOW for certain you can give the kid a good life, without screwing it up or raising it in an unhealthy way/environment, you shouldn’t have kids.
They don't need to be burdened with your problems or the sins of their forefathers.
That’s the stereotype though. I know a lot of Mothers who do all the bad things listed above and are in their 30’s.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
AT&T's Role in Spying

SAN FRANCISCO (May 23) - An online news outlet published papers Monday that it said document AT&T's alleged role in a government effort to spy on Internet traffic.
The internal company documents and other materials were assembled by Mark Klein, a former AT&T technician. Klein also gave internal AT&T documents earlier this year to privacy advocate Electronic Frontier Foundation, which sued the telecommunications giant challenging the Bush administration's secretive domestic surveillance program.
It wasn't clear whether the documents published Monday by Wired News were the same as those at the heart of the lawsuit against AT&T. Wired News acknowledged it could not be sure, because the federal judge presiding over the case has sealed the records.
But Wired News said the AT&T documents "appear to be excerpted from material that was later filed in the lawsuit under seal."
The papers are a blend of corporate blueprints and Klein's own interpretation of them. They seem to provide a detailed account of how AT&T used "splitters" to tap into gigantic fiber-optic lines that carry Internet traffic.
Klein writes that AT&T installed the splitters, which diverted light signals carrying data, into a "secret room" where the information could be analyzed.
Among the equipment Klein said was installed there was a Narus STA 6400. Narus manufactures data-mining devices that let companies and other entities sift through the information in Internet traffic and identify nuggets of interest in e-mail, users' Web-surfing and even Internet phone calls.
AT&T has asked the Electronic Frontier Foundation to return the documents to the company.
"We believe the public's right to know the full facts in this case outweighs AT&T's claims to secrecy," Wired News said in a statement posted on its Web site accompanying the story.
Jesus Christ, so much for constitutional rights, right?
But judging by AT&T's reaction, they appeared as if they were hiding something, that's for sure.
Hey, even look at there logo.
Looks like the death star, no? Coincidence? I think not ; )
Monday, May 22, 2006
tommy hilfiger axl rose fight
The midnight turf battle erupted when Axl moved Hilfiger's girlfriend's drink in the banquette area of The Plumm nightclub on West 14th Street - where the "Rent" actress was celebrating her 27th birthday.
A densely packed crowd of celebs - including Lenny Kravitz and Kid Rock - had ringside seats to the battle.
The feisty fashionista was acting all gangsta, hitting Axl with a flurry of punches, one that landed under Rose's eye.
"First [Axl and Tommy] were sitting. Then they were pulling on each other . . . It got so out of control," said a shocked witness.
As the punch-up escalated, Hilfiger introduced Rose to some "November Pain" with a blow to the cheek. Club guards quickly tried to separate the men.
"A bunch of security ran over - but Tommy would not back down. He was just out to take him down," the witness said.
"Kid Rock got trampled by people running over. It was unbelievable."
Eventually, the designer's own bodyguard pulled him out of the club.
Yesterday, club owner Noel Ashman pointed the finger at Hilfiger: "Axl was a gentleman and had the good sense not to retaliate, as he would have done some serious damage to Hilfiger."
Rose said the attack was unprovoked, in an interview with The Post in his dressing room.
The singer said Hilfiger may have been angry because he'd been told to move to make room for Rose and his entourage.
Rose described Hilfiger as "foaming at the mouth."
When Rose took the stage a few minutes later to perform the song "You're Crazy," he dedicated it "to my good friend Tommy Hilfiger."
Kid Rock, wearing a black-brimmed hat and smoking a cigar, took his fellow rocker's side, and explained that Hilfiger was upset because he is way further down on the fame food chain.
The hierarchy, according to Kid Rock, begins with mere mortals and works its way up to sports stars.
"After that it's movie stars, then rock stars, then Michael Jordan." Hilfiger is somewhere between a mere mortal and a sports star in this ranking.
Lenny Kravitz seemed to side with Hilfiger, and also fled the club soon after Hilfiger got the heave-ho.
Hilfiger's peeps would not comment yesterday.
The funny thing is, now that axl rose is doing the "rock in rio festival" he now gets all this publicity.
This is like the third time I’ve seen him in the news in the last couple of days. Actually it's not funny at all, it's stereotypical.
But anyways, it's good that axl is finally getting back into the spotlight, he sure has been out for a long time...
I don't know the exact age difference between the two, but it seems like a stupid thing for hilfiger to pick a fight with rose.
And rose seems like a pussy for just taking it and not defending himself, and don't give me that gentleman shit.
If someone starts a fight with you and you don't defend yourself, in my humble opinion, your a pussy.
Friday, May 19, 2006
A day in the life of a homeless man
An interesting look into a day in the life of a homeless man, where a group of homeless men live in the park and smoke weed and do meth.
It's true though, a lot of homeless people do choose to be homeless. Being homeless is a philosophy on life, if you want to do that, go for it, no bills right?
But don't accost me for money. It's your philosophy not mine (although it is interesting) otherwise get a job.
That's one thing I always wondered, wouldn’t it take just as much time and effort begging for money on the street as it would to have a job?
But hey, I’m not here to judge you, go for it if you want I guess, it’s your life...
A students final exam
Now if only shit like this happened in real life. Or does it? I'm talking about the last scene, obviously.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Different malaysian bloggers
Congratulations matt, you are...
Lainie Yeoh of
You are funny, smart, experimental, sarcastic and artistic. You can be mean and obnoxious if you want to but most the time you're just a soft, romantic and sentimental person. Come to think of it, you are kinda like a durian - hard and thorny on the outside, but soft and sweet (not smelly) on the inside. You're always getting into trouble whether you like it or not. Your friends play a big part in your life and rightfully so because you'll never give up an opportunity to help them out if they ask. You are the life of the party.
I think that description fits me pretty well, but I don’t know how happy I am about being a woman ; ) It's understandable though, there aren’t very many different Malaysian bloggers , and this guy probably only has a couple on his list of which I can count on one hand. It's okay though, I'm secure in my sexuality :)
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Romeo and juliet flash film parody sorta thing
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Oh, lady microwave, where art thou? Come to me in my time of need!
I need to get a microwave, as unbelievable as that might sound, no I don't have one.
I had a really dangerous one built into the wall when I was a kid (grandma put tin foil and a cup into it _ (.
It would be so sweet if I had one. Hungry? Just take some Tupperware out and nuke it for 30 seconds, there you go, there’s dinner! Longing....for my lady. Lady wave.
I really need to get a new answering machine
Thursday, May 04, 2006
German Shepard-wolf comparison

German Shepards are about the same size of one; they have large teeth, are intelligent, enjoy biting people, and long walks along the beach. ;) If this dog sounds right for you call 1800-love.

P.S.-Did you know they have white German Shepherds? Look...

Monday, May 01, 2006
All the Tunes on Napster Are Free Again (Ad-Supported Site Lets You Listen Five Times)
(May 1) - All the songs on Napster are free again.
In a bid to gain traction against Apple's dominant iTunes online music store, Napster over the weekend shifted to an advertising-supported model. Visitors can listen to any of the 2 million tunes in its catalog without having to fork over a credit card or download the Napster software application.
But there is a catch. You can only listen to a song five times. After that, you have to either buy it for 99 cents or sign up for a monthly subscription.
Still, "This is the closest we have ever come to the original vision of the Napster service that swept the world in 1999 - except now, it's legal," says Napster CEO Chris Gorog.
Napster has 600,000 subscribers. It offers unlimited online listening to songs for $9.95 a month, or $14.95 for a version that lets you transfer songs to certain portable devices.
The service is compatible with digital music devices that include the SanDisk Sansa and Samsung Z10, but not Apple's iconic iPod, which has a 77.6% market share, according to researcher NPD Group.
Napster, the original unauthorized music-swapping site, was born in a college dorm before the record labels persuaded the courts to shut it down. The new Napster, launched in 2003, has lost more than $73 million over the last two years, according to equity firm American Technology Research.
The company, now based in Los Angeles, spent heavily in 2005 on an advertising campaign that included a Super Bowl ad. That helped increase sales "by 100%," Gorog says.
Now Gorog says the boom in online advertising can pay off for Napster, which averages 2 million visitors a month to its website. Walt Disney and Guitar Center have signed up as sponsors; more will be announced this week.
"Napster clearly had to find something different," says American Technology Research analyst P.J. McNealy. "But until the device market for non-iPods picks up, Napster faces an uphill battle."
To pull off the ad-supported music model, Gorog needed the approval of the record labels, which will get a cut of the ad revenue.
"Ad-supported music is something we've been encouraging all the services to try," says Larry Kenswil, president of Universal Music's eLabs unit.
Napster competes with RealNetworks' Rhapsody service, among others. Rhapsody also has a free preview, letting users sample 25 songs a month at no charge. Real says it has 1.4 million subscribers for its music properties.
David Card, an analyst at JupiterResearch, says Napster's ad-supported model gives users a better feel for the service and will encourage them to become subscribers. "It's a really good offering," he says.
Napster hasn't found more acceptance from its subscription model "because it requires explanation and a change in consumer behavior," he says. "This promotion will help people understand subscriptions."
Sounds like a publicity stunt to me. Also it's not like this is so innovative, Yahoo! music, AOL music ect. have been doing it for a long time.