If that's not funny, I don't know what is...
A blog about my life.
I was doing a little research as to the meaning to some of guns and roses songs, and I just read "without you". Apparently this is very hard to get a hold of. In case you’re not familiar with it "Without you" is a short story by Del James that three music videos by guns and roses are based on. They are "don't cry", "november rain" and "estranged". Perhaps I will post it soon.
Anyway it is a very sad, and depressing story and it has kind of turned some of my own logic on it’s head. All my life I wanted too be rich. I though it would bye happiness, love, power, prestige and anything else I could ever want in life. This story has shows that even with money that may not be the case. This is definitely going to bring some on contemplation...
Alrighty the moment you all have been waiting for.... (drum roll please).....ACoolBlog.com! Yea that's right, that's the new domain name. It will still go to the old URL if you want, though. Anyway I got a digital camera and printer/scanner/copier for Christmas so I can upload photos now too.
I'm really exited right now. I just bough a really cool domain name for a unrelated site I'm going to start, maybe I'll unveil the domain name once I get it up and running or maybe sooner, who knows?
Meanwhile Blogger support is nonexistent so I forwarded the domain name that I bought for this domain name to this address, but it could take like 24hrs for it to take affect, once that happens I will probably unveil the domain name you have all been so patiently waiting for.