I watched Futurama today; it was quite good because it had sort of a subliminal message to it. It was the one where they go to a robot trade show, and the professor gets a new robot, bender feels inferior and scared of it and they want him to go to get an upgrade which he does, and while doing so has a dream of, fuck it this Is getting complicated, but long story short, he washes up on a dessert island,

and as he gets up only his body and one arm leave an imprint in the sand. This, as my educated readers will know is a parody of Robinson Crusoe, in that book when he is on the island he finds one footprint, not two in the sand, gets all paranoid and thinks it's the devil coming to get him. God this post has been a lot longer than I intended.
Oh, and sorry for the lack of updates over the last couple days, I took a sort of vacation away form the computer, because I am working on SIX websites at the SAME time, and I am stressed beyond belief. Anyone who has ever tried to make a website knows how stressful it can be. Multiply that by six. And I’m not talking about HAVEING six websites completed; I'm talking about DEVELOPING and PROMOTING SIX websites. It's a bitch.
A lot of futurams episodes can be cool, a lot cooler than what else they have lined up on “adult swim” what the hell kind of a name is that anyway “adult swim”. I bet they were stoned when they came up with that one, or maybe high on acid. I bet they were like “dude, you know what we should call our new channel, adult swim!” and the other executives were like “rad man, but it’s ur turn to refill the bong.”