Sunday, February 26, 2006

"Dr beak" and the butter finger crisp cany bar commerial

I was watching TV the other night and this commercial comes on, it's advertising the "new" Butterfinger crisp candy bar (See the butter finger crisp commercial here, click on "watch it", you need QuickTime media player to see it)

I notice something on the commercial, in the part where they look at the screen advertising nose jobs, at the bottom they have a site for the dr. that is advertising, it's

I think what the hell, I check it out and what'd ya know? It's a real site. And not just any old site, it's for a real live whack job doctor who is not licensed to perform surgery in the state he is practicing in (California) and he also performs nose jobs on animals. And get this, he also loves butter finger candy bars.

Take a look at some of his "galleries". He seems more adapt to making people look hideous, then making their noses smaller. What a nut.